Ofsted school report 6–8 March 2018 | |
Effectiveness of leadership and management | Outstanding |
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment | Outstanding |
Personal development, behaviour and welfare | Outstanding |
Outcomes for pupils | Outstanding |
Overall effectiveness | Outstanding |
Summary of key findings for parents and pupils This is an Outstanding school. |
Leaders and trustees are highly ambitious for pupils and are determined that the school continues to improve. They ensure that all of the independent school standards are met. | Pupils are extremely courteous and respectful to each other and adults. They are highly motivated and have a thirst for learning. Pupils feel very proud of their school. Their attendance is above average. |
The trustees provide effective support, advice and challenge to senior leaders to ensure that the school continually improves. | Pupils’ behaviour and personal development and welfare are exceptional. Pupils feel safe and are protected well from unsafe situations, including partisan political views, extremism and radicalisation. |
The headteacher is highly effective in developing a culture that enables pupils and staff to excel. Staff are very motivated and are fully supportive of the leadership. | Pupils display positive attitudes and respect for different people, cultural traditions and faiths. British values are effectively promoted and pupils are prepared well for life in modern Britain. |
Teaching is highly effective. Teachers know individual pupils extremely well and use assessment information effectively to plan challenging and engaging work. | Occasionally, teachers’ expectations of the presentation of pupils’ work is not consistently high, particularly with regard to lower-attaining pupils. |
Pupils make excellent progress and their attainment across all subjects is exceptionally high. Pupils are prepared very well for their next stage of education. | Sometimes, teachers’ questioning is not sharp enough to help the most able pupils think hard about their work. |
The curriculum is broad, balanced, engaging and promotes pupils’ high achievement. A wide range of extra-curricular activities enrich the curriculum. | There are insufficient opportunities for teachers to observe teaching in other schools to improve their classroom practice further. |
The provision for pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is excellent, and reflects the aims of the school. |
The school meets the requirements of the schedule to the Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014 (‘the independent school standards’) and associated requirements.
Copies of the relevant reports are available from the following links:
Ofsted Inspection Report 2018
Independent Schools Inspectorate Compliance Report 2023